Overcome Depression Podcast

How to Become Sober in One Day #Chapter1 #16

Jennifer Stirling-Campbell Season 1 Episode 16

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Do you believe that an alcoholic can become sober in one day?  Chad does...because he did.  This conversation is about redemption, responsibility, and the courage to rewrite one’s story.

Chad Peper once believed he could manage alcohol addiction just fine…until reality forced a major wake-up call.  This conversation is about redemption, responsibility, and the courage to rewrite one’s story.

Chad’s addiction lasted for 10 years and significantly impacted his life, though he hid his secret extremely well from his friends and colleagues. Despite a DUI arrest in 2016, Chad relapsed after a brief period of sobriety. However, his biggest turning point came in Novebmer 2017, when he realized he was going to be a father, and decided that he didn’t want to be an absent or irresponsible dad. And in that moment, he made a firm decision to quit drinking completely. Quite literally, once he made the decision, he became sober in one day.


  1. How the most critical turning points in life come from making a firm, non-negotiable decision.
  2. How long-term change only comes when one connects sobriety to a deeper purpose.
  3. How changing how we identify and see ourselves can help our decisions “stick.”
  4. How personal choices can break generational patterns and lead to a better life for the next generation.

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Logo and Graphics: Hunter Saylor, Instagram: Instagram.com/designersaylor

Intro/Outro Music: Interchange by Armanda Dempsey https://www.youtube.com/@armandadempsey

Legal Disclaimer: I understand that Jennifer Stirling-Campbell/I'm Aquarius is not an attorney, medical professional, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, nutritionist, or dietitian. All social media, emails, podcasts, videos, live streams, text, dosages, outcomes, charts, graphics, photographs, images, advice, messages, forum postings, zoom or other video meetings, and any o...